Project Setup for XR
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For mixed reality to work we need to be able to see the environment around the headset. For passthrough to work we need to add a couple more elements within the project.
Don't forget to enable Passthrough to work using Quest Link (if you aren't using a cable).
Select the OVRCameraRig.
This may be a child of the 'OVRCameraRigInteraction' asset.
Set 'Passthrough Support' to 'Supported' or 'Required' under the General tab.
Enable 'Enable Passthrough' under 'Insight Passthrough'.
Add a 'PassthroughOVRLayer' component to the OVRCameraRig asset.
Set the Placement to 'Underlay' if you want the passthrough to be behind everything.
Set the Composition Depth to 1.
Select the 'CenterEyeAnchor' asset under 'CameraOVRRig / TrackingSpace'.
Set the Background color to Black with Alpha at 0.
Select the 'Lighting Window / Environment'.
Set the 'Skybox' to 'None'.