VRM Export
This doc goes over how to export your VRM from Blender using the VRM for Blender addon.
To correctly export your VRM the 'VRM for Blender' add on needs to make sure that all the bones are correctly assigned.
Assigning VRM Bones
Expand the VRM 0.x Humanoid panel in the 'VRM' tab. You can adjust the width of the panel at the left. You can scroll down using the scroll button.
Make sure that all the Bone assignments are correct. If you see any red there may be an issue, you can adjust the bone assignments manually by clicking on the slot for each bone. This may be needed if you have created your own rig, or used Mixamo/Accurig to rig your character.
Setting the T-Pose
For animations to work correctly your avatar needs to be exported as a T-Pose. Many avatars may be created or rigged as an A-Pose. You will need to update the rig in order for it to work correctly.
Pose the character into a T-Pose.
Select 'Current Pose' under the 'VRM 0.x Humanoid' section in the VRM tab.
You can also use Custom Pose using an Action asset if preferred.
This should export the asset in a T-Pose when exporting.
Exporting the Avatar
Select the model and armature/rig and go to File / Export / VRM and save it where you like.
It is recommended to select the assets you want to export and use the 'Export Only Selections' to make sure that other assets like cameras or lights aren't exported.
Testing the Avatar
There are a few different platforms you can test the avatar in. It is recommended to try some of the main ones to make sure your avatar works without issue. Some examples include :
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