VRM Details
This doc goes over how to add the VRM details when using the VRM for Blender addon.
VRMs allow the creator to assign details to the meta data, or information within the digital asset, that platforms may display.
Setting the Thumbnail
To set the thumbnail you will need to import an image to apply.
Go to the UV Editing tab at the top.
Select the 'Open' icon at the top of the left viewport.
Select the image you would like to use. 2048x2048 is recommended.
Once added, you can go back to the Thumbnail parameter in the VRM0.x Meta panel and select your image.
Setting the meta data
Recommended settings are in bold, but set as you like.
For VRM for Blender, expand the 'VRM 0.x Meta' panel under the VRM tab on the right side and fill in the details as needed.
Profile picture - see above.
Title - Name of your VRM avatar.
Version - 1.0 is common.
Author - your preferred tag / name.
Contact Information - any info such as twitter, email or website.
Reference - optionally add any reference that you used.
Allowed User - Only Author / Explicitly Licensed Person / Everyone.
Violent Usage - Allowed / Disallowed.
Sexual Usage - Allowed / Disallowed.
Commercial Usage - Allowed / Disallowed.
Other Permissions URL - optional.
License - Redistribution Prohibited / CC0 / CC BY / CC BY NC / etc.
Last updated