Installing Packages
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The easiest way to get started with VR/XR using Meta Headsets such as the Quest in Unity is using the Meta XR All-in-one SDK. There are 3rd Party alternatives such as VRIK or Hurricane VR, but we will be using the Meta integration SDK as it is free and easy to set up.
For more information on the Interaction SDK, you can go to the Meta Quest Docs.
Enable the 'Package Manager' window if you haven't already in Window / Package Manager.
Add the 'Meta XR All-in-One SDK' and the 'Meta XR Interaction SDK OVR Samples' in the Package Manager by the following two methods :
Use the + symbol at the top left and 'Add Package by Name...' and use the following :
or Go to the Unity Asset store and search for the 'Meta XR All-in-One SDK' and the 'Meta XR Interaction SDK OVR Samples' package and add it to your library.
Open it within Unity from the Asset Store or from the 'My Assets' category in the Package Manager.
Read and click through any popups that may come up during installation.
The following SDK packages will be added : Meta XR Core, Meta XR Audio, Meta XR Haptics, Meta XR Interaction, Meta XR Interaction SDK OVR Integration, Meta XR Platform, Meta XR Voice, Composer, Dictation, Telemetry, Meta XR Simulator, and Meta Mixed Reality Utility Kit.
Optional Sample packages you can add separately include :
This helps test the space without the need for a headset.
Meta XR Simulator - Synthetic Environment Builder
This helps test the space without the need for a headset.
Offers further samples if needed.